Ramblings. Sometimes the things that travel through my brain can be compared to a deck of cards that got tossed onto the ground and could really be anything when you pick them up. That’s what my ramblings are like. I’ll start with what I’m thinking about in that moment and try to end up on somewhere that has a little more depth to it. Or not. We’ll see.

  1. I’m reading this very long auto-biography right now and it’s fascinating. It’s also the smallest font and 700 pages long so it’s taking FOREVER to read. My husband keeps reminding me that I don’t have to finish it. But I like it. It’s just slowing down my book pace for the year. lol!
  2. I have 8 new fiction books waiting patiently beside my bed. I can’t wait to start one of them!
  3. There are also 8 non-fiction books sitting there. I will read one of them this year.
  4. Do you ever write with an actual pen and paper? I am amazed by people who journal in a real paper journal because my hands are out of writing shape. I use a paper calendar and that’s enough for me. I can’t handle the muscle cramps.
  5. And journaling… I don’t do it. I really wish I did but anytime I’ve tried, I use a laptop and it doesn’t feel legit enough. I feel like journaling should be done in a paper journal with a cute cover and a good pen. And that’s why I don’t do it. My thoughts run at a pace my writing can’t keep up with.
  6. Instead of journaling, I talk my husband’s ear off. He loves this.
  7. My husband has a romantic streak. This can sometime include romantic gestures but it also includes things like feeling awe and wonder about things like the universe, stars in the sky and good music. I am envious of this sometimes. I am much more practical.
  8. This doesn’t mean I’m a robot with no feelings. I just need enough time and space to get in touch with my feelers to experience wonder.
  9. Wonder defined: a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. – Thanks Google
  10. I hope you have an unexpected opportunity to experience wonder today. I hope I do too.

xo Bonnie
