I’ve been a reader ever since I was little… my favorites were Berenstain Bears and Little Critter books and eventually I graduated to Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys and in my teens… embarrassing to say… Danielle Steele and all the drama fiction of the 90’s. I remember my Omi being thrilled that I’d become an avid reader because she was as well. There was always a stack of books waiting to be read on a table in her home. I am now that person. I have a stack by my bed and I add to it often so that there’s always something to look forward to reading!

I’ve read 24 books so far this year and I’m on track for my reading goal of 30 books for the year. I know some people who read much more than me and some who read less. I’ve just found that 30 books is a comfortable pace for me. I’ll do a best books of 2021 at the end of the year so I’m going to save those titles but I thought it would be fun to write about some of the other books I’ve enjoyed so far!

  1. The Little Book of Hygge: This was a gift from a good friend and I honestly loved it. Hygge (Hooga) is all about creating a cozy, warm, welcoming and connected environment and it named all the ways we try to make our spaces and our experiences satisfying. This was a great gift and a good read, especially in the winter!
  2. The Lion’s Den: If you’re looking for a vacation/beach read, this is a good one. It’s entertaining with plenty of drama. Set on a yacht on the Mediterranean, it’s got untrustworthy friends, a sugar daddy, some thugs and a great escape. I enjoyed it!
  3. 28 Summers: I’m hesitant on how to rate this book. I tore through it and thought about it when I wasn’t reading but I also had a few conflicted conversations with my husband about the story because it’s certainly not the life I would choose and I couldn’t understand why the characters would make the choices they did. Regardless, I read it very fast, which is always a good sign that I’m into the story.
  4. Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: I could write a blog post on this book alone. The amount of quotes and dog eared pages in my copy are proof enough that this was a good read. I’m not sure what category it fits into but let’s call it an autobiography of sorts. The author is a therapist who writes about the journey of a few of her clients as well as her own deep dive into therapy. It’s written in first person, like a story and I was hooked from the beginning. I laughed out loud a couple times and had a good cry at one point too. It’s relatable and entirely engaging.
  5. Florence Adler Swims Forever: Set in Atlantic City in the 1930’s, this book is about a Jewish family and the consequences that unfold from their decision to hide a tragedy that occurs within the family. I found the characters to be interesting and I learned more about the struggles of Jews trying to leave Germany during the rise of the Nazi party. It’s a good read and had a satisfying ending!
  6. Beach Read: At the beginning, this book was a little hard to find that rhythm I look for in a good book. I felt like it bumped along for a bit but then there was a noticeable shift and the author found her stride. The story is about 2 authors who are each struggling with writers block, while at the same time working through big life changing events in their own lives. There’s romance and vulnerability, some unexpected turns and a couple tear jerk moments.
  7. How to Stop Time: The plot of this book was unique and I really liked it. The main character is someone who realizes he does not age at the same rate as those around him. He must continually re-invent a new life for himself as people start to notice that he’s not growing old. It’s a book motivated by love and a desire to be known, despite the risks.

Well those are just a few of the books I’ve read this year. If you read any of these, I hope enjoy them! What are you reading these days? I’m always looking for good recommendations.

xo Bonnie

