I’m not sure when you listen to podcasts but most people I know are listening to something at some point these days. I usually listen when I’m driving or doing a solo walk or workout… basically when I’m alone. When my family is home, it’s impossible to focus on anything because everyone is talking and always, ALWAYS asking questions. I once tried having a single ear bud in my ear so I could pause and answer questions as needed but I think I got through about 6 minutes of a podcast in 60 minutes of living and breathing and felt like my head was going to explode!! So I stick to listening when I’m by myself!

My picks have shifted over the years as my interests have changed and definitely since covid has hit. I don’t really want more inner transformation (ha!) or information. I want to laugh. I want to feel happy. I want something that’s going to make my day better. I do listen to podcasts that focus on personal growth, etc. but they’re not my main “go to” picks these days.

Here are my favorites right now, saving my all-time favorite for last…

  1. 10 Things to Tell You: Hosted by Laura Tremaine, this podcast focuses on asking good questions and creating opportunities for good conversation and closer friendships. A lot of her episodes focus around 10 ideas on a theme. I always like a good count down! Laura’s thoughts and ideas are creative and I relate to much of what she talks about. She also loves to read and talks a lot about books, which of course, I love.
  2. Armchair Expert: Dax Shepard & Monica Padman team up on this podcast and are really funny. Dax asks the very best questions, even questions I couldn’t imagine asking someone and pulls it off without a hitch. Monica fact checks what was talked about and ultimately, keeps Dax in check. Their line up of guests is diverse and keeps me coming back!
  3. Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend: Conan O’Brien is such a funny guy and I love his style of humor. He shares the podcast with his assistant Sona Movsesian and producer, Matt Gourley, who provide the perfect balance for Conan’s very bizarre sense of humor. Their chemistry is fabulous.
  4. The Happiness Lab: My husband found this one when the host was a guest on another podcast. We started listening and both burned right through it. The podcast centers around real research on happiness and what actually makes you happy. I listened to the first 10 episodes in a couple days and it sparked something in me that has helped me to focus on gratitude and finding small joys throughout the day. It was much needed. (If you do give this a try, start at the beginning because it’s in the order it’s in for a reason!)
  5. Smartless: Ok so this podcast is basically my crush podcast and all-time favorite right now. I swoon every time a new episode drops. There have only been a couple episodes where I didn’t laugh SO hard. It’s hosted by Will Arnett, Sean Hayes & Jason Bateman who are all friends and basically have zero problem throwing each other under the bus. And they do. Often. It’s so funny, sarcastic and their guests are interesting. It’s everything I want in a podcast these days.

So those are my tops listens right now but I also listen to these ones when I’m in the mood for it:

  • For the Love with Jen Hatmaker
  • Unlocking Us with Brene Brown
  • We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle
  • Sibling Revelry
  • Goop
  • How I Built This

What do you listen to? I’d love to know.

xo Bonnie

