I’ve been writing here for enough time that I figured it was time to share a little more about myself. Obviously this isn’t all there is to know about me but it’s a bite size amount that’s probably good enough for today. Ha!

  • I’ve been with my husband for over 2 decades and we still like each other. This feels like an important detail to add.
  • I have 2 boys who are nice to each other most of the time and 3 outdoor cats named Cutie, LuLu and Bophead. Bophead loves her name.
  • Somehow I accidentally started mountain biking and ended up loving it. The love came only after an entire season of feeling pretty scared all the way down the mountain.
  • We had our babies through IVF after 6 years of trying to get pregnant and not even one positive pregnancy test. We had plenty of people ask when we were going to have kids and it was painful every single time. My advice is just don’t ask. It’s not really your business anyway.
  • I am an enneagram 1w2. If you don’t know what this is, just skip this one. For those of you who do, don’t you feel sorry for me? lol. Seriously though… enneagram 1’s have the strongest inner critic of any personality type. I have spent the last several years learning how to turn down that volume.
  • My sister-in-law makes me laugh harder than anyone else I know.
  • I am passionate about travel. If there was a way for me to travel more than I currently do, I would. However, the kids we worked so hard to have go to school so they’re crushing my other dream 10 months of the year. 😉
  • Planning travel is also something I love, love, love. Finding cool places to visit, unusual experiences and good food makes any trip even better. My family likes that they don’t have to do anything except show up!
  • My favorite place I’ve ever traveled is New Zealand. My brother lives there with his partner so we had the best private tour guides on our visit! We can’t wait to go back!
  • In another life, I sang a lot in public. I don’t do that anymore but I still sing a lot at home. I’m 100% satisfied with this! I also love that my kids sing out loudly at home. They don’t know that I record them sometimes. lol!
  • My husband and I are almost concert junkies. We love live music and currently have tickets to several great shows that got postponed because of Covid. We’re ‘patiently’ waiting.
  • I think the best concert I have ever been to was a Gregory Alan Isakov show in Vancouver in a small venue. It was perfect sound + ambiance + good music. A second favorite was seeing Coldplay in San Francisco. I had dreamed of seeing them for years and they finally came back on tour. We left our kids with their Nana and went for the weekend. It was such an amazing show!
  • I’m Canadian and have lived in the United States for 18 years. My whole family lives in Canada, with the exception of my brother in New Zealand, and we haven’t been together in ages. I can’t wait for the borders to open again!
  • Spreadsheets make me happy, especially budgets. I am a numbers nerd and also love statistics much more than most people. I know it’s weird.
  • In what feels like a lifetime ago, aka before covid, I flipped houses for a few years. I’ll probably do something again in the next couple years but I’m also exploring other career ideas for my future self.
  • Writing this blog has been a breath of fresh air for me. I love to write and have something I can think about during the week that has nothing to do with errands, laundry, food or parenting. It’s nice.

Well now you know a little more about me. Thanks for reading!

xo Bonnie
